Version 0.1.13 (2014-05-02) ========== * has an icon now! * added support for lower bitrates (24k, 16k, 8k) * added support for user defined configuration path e.g. "butt -c " * added support for user names in Icecast * added gain slider. This slider multiplies the audio input samples with the given factor * added .manifest file to disable the VirtualStore on Windows Vista and higher * added the ability to automatically split the recording every 'n' minutes * added feature for importing and exporting configuration files * compiles with Xcode 5 on OS X Mavericks * compiles with traditional GNU autoconf/automake environment on linux and mingw * improved robustness against faulty config files * improved compatibility to ShoutCast v2 servers * improved look&feel * fixed samplerate issues * fixed mono playback/recording * changed data volume information vom kBytes to MBytes * changed default recording path to users home folder * sends audio information (bitrate etc.) to Icecast server - Thanks to Dominik Durner * reimplemented VU-Meter with peak hold * comes with as an ubuntu package * windows: can be installed as user without admin rights * windows: uninstallation process also removes the configuration file * instead of canceling the automatic song update in case the given file is not readable, butt now tries to reread the file every 5 seconds Version 0.1.12 (2010-04-10) ========== * butt is now able to connect automatically after startup * shortened time between connect attempts (fixes Shouted.FM connection problems) * improved wrong password detection for shoutcast Version 0.1.11-2 (2008-12-14) ========== * fixed display info after automatic reconnection Version 0.1.11-1 (2008-11-09) ========== * fixed segfault if there is no '.' in the filename Version 0.1.11 (2008-10-26) ========== * fixed unintended disconnects * fixed recording problems * removed buffer overrun messages * recording can be now stopped with the stop-button * replaced pcm recording by wav recording * recording as ogg is now possible * added "stay on top" checkbox * fixed possible crash when changing mp3 settings while streaming Version 0.1.10 (2008-05-25) ========== * removed xrun "led". Instead the msg window informs the user about overruns * added dB values to the vu-meter * fixed bitrate/samplerate selection for ogg * network backend works with non-blocking sockets now * libshout is not needed anymore * songname can be updated from a textfile now * more samplerates are supported now * fixed samplerate selection problems * fixed crash when connecting to icecast server on MacOS 10.4 * fixed crash when changing the server type from shoutcast to icecast * some cosmetic changes (buttons, LEDs) Version 0.1.9 (2008-04-10) ========== * minor GUI makeup * made butt more verbose * fixed possible segfault when trying to EDIT stream info * fixed automatic reconnection * filenames can be indexed with the %i variable now * renamed "rec not until connected" checkbox to "start rec. when connected" * added orange record icon for "armed" state ("start rec. when connected" = 1) * butt starts recording as soon as connected, when in "armed" state Version 0.1.8 (2008-03-30) ========== * text/bg color can be changed in the [GUI] tab * removed the "Config saved" popup message * added pcm recording * improoved record handling * the config menu is more user friendly now * fixed crash when connection loss * the user may select the samplerate now * the config window can be attached to the main window now * fixed bitrate and codec ShoutCast info Version 0.1.7rc1 (2008-01-04) ========== * butt runs on MacOS 10.4 and 10.5 now! * added recording time to the display info * fixed bug with '&' in the song string * changing the display mode works only when connected now * added a checkbox which lets the user decide if the recording should start right after selecting the output file or when connected * added a msg box which ask the user if he wants to stop the recording when disconnecting Version 0.1.6 (2007-12-08) ========== * added status symbols to the display * recording runs with a seperate thread now! * added a button for showing/hiding the server password Version 0.1.5 (2007-11-22) ========== * minor GUI changes * fixed streaming/recording with mp3 320kb/s * fixed segfault in Fl_ILM216.cpp * the user may change the display colors now (right click on the display) * the "connecting" info on the display updates faster now * changed default display colors to white/blue Version 0.1.5rc1 (2007-11-16) ========== * replaced ALSA by PortAudio -> OSS is supported now * ported butt to Microsoft Windows (tested with win2k and win xp) * butt reminds the user about unsaved changes when closing now * starting the recording is possible at any time now * added mono encoding for OGG * improved some GUI stuff * improved CPU usage Version 0.1.4rc2 (2007-11-03) ========== * butt should compile on more machines now Version 0.1.4rc1 (2007-11-01) ========== * added IceCast support (ogg and mp3) * added ./configure script * butt is now able to send the "Current Song" value to the ShoutCast/IceCast server * Changed stereo mode from joint-stereo to real-stereo * code cleanup Version 0.1.3 (2007-10-08) ========== * bugfix: butt crashed if you press "apply" in the server/icy tab without having an server/ICY-entry * bugfix: butt crashed if you change the bitrate without having an ICY-entry * bugfix: there was some uncommented code in the [DEL]-server callback-routine which shouldn't be uncommented * facelift: if you delete all server/ICY-entries, the input fields in the server/ICY still showed the values of the last server/ICY-entry Version 0.1.2 (2007-10-07) ========== * added a GUI for configuring butt * comments behind config entries are not allowed anymore. * removed the network init part. It was nonsense * fixed mono playblack * fixed recording problems * ICY entries can now be empty without causing butt to crash * butt shows the real port in its "connecting to..."-info line now and the "pseudeo" port in parenthesis * fixed a bug which causes pcm data loss in some cases Version 0.1.1 (2007-09-16) ========== * added recording feature * fixed seg fault on startup when compiled with gcc-4.1.2 * fixed seg fault when encoding with high bitrates